
Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Week 7 to Finish

Week 7 to finish was a huge bug fixing time. Touching controls, gameplay elements, and several other game breaking bugs were discovered and fixed. I went on a coding spree and buckled down to get these pesky things fixed. These really made things come together nicely and it's looking more like a game.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Week 5

This week was a big week visually as I worked on the setting. I created the buildings in the background and the skybox and lighting. This week was also a BIG integration day. We spent nearly 4 hours on Friday JUST for integrating.

Week 4

It's now week 4 and we're focusing more on the menus and HUD. I spent a lot of time trying to help Jordan get the 2D rendering over the 3D, and it ended up being something stupid like not loading a matrix into a camera.

As well I worked on integration. This is something done every week but this week was pretty difficult as everyone had something to integrate.

Week 3

This week was a little slower but I did finalize the launching of the ball and it seems like once you get the hang of the game you have pretty good control over where the ball ends up.

Week 2

Week 2 was spent getting a rough version of ball launching done. It was a bit of a challenge getting the ball to circle the crane as if it were on a string and then launch.

I also spent close to 12 hours working on a way to touch the ball on the screen and control it that way, but I didn't realize I could have used glUnproject and glProject to figure this out without all the trig work I put in.

We ended up deciding to use the whole screen for the launching, where the farther back the ball is pulled, the more velocity is put on it, and the angle of release is determined by the position it's released between half screen and the edge of the screen.

It's pretty buggy and it sometimes launches backwards. This is the chore for next week.